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Q1 outlook for 2021, Business & Technology
How I see the next few months shaping up as traditional companies realize how much the game has changed. In 2020, the most important lesson we learned was that business was permanently disrupted. For better and for worse, 2020 was...
Deciding b/w Custom Software and Out-of-the-box Products
Simple questions to ask that can help you avoid a costly mistake in choosing the wrong type of solution for your current project. Is the way you run your business different than most others in your industry? This question is...
SQL Server’s Memory-Optimized Tables (MOTs)
Every developer has heard the complaint “This app is so slow!!!” At Gulf Coast Solutions, most of our apps are heavily data-driven and dependent on the database. For over 70% of our projects, the primary database we use is Microsoft...
RPA vs Digital Transformation
What do these terms mean? Digital Transformation is the use of digital technology to solve problems to reduce the amount of resources (human & machine) needed. Most effective digital transformation solutions utilize cloud computing and dynamic usage consumption models but...
3 Ways to Hire Technology Services
Looking for technology services? Our president, Cody Caillet, wrote a great blog post on this very topic that you should read. Click the link below to check it out on his personal blog. While you are, check out some of...
Creating Downward Pressure Through Technology
“The great ones we work with know better. They uniquely understand the importance of creating downward pressure on their competition which not only raises the offerings, but indirectly hurts the bottom line of their biggest competition.” Read the rest of the article...