Collaboration is great, but not at the cost of personal accountability

Collaboration is great, but not at the cost of personal accountability

We live in a world of group think. We also live in a world where personal accountability is at an all time low. I don’t think that is a coincidence.

It starts innocently enough, and with the right intention. We get others involved to hear their opinions. Different backgrounds, experiences, and a fresh set of eyes can be lightening fuel to a project. Unintended casualties to other teams can drain ROI. Getting others involved is a key to success.

But, in so many cases, this approach goes too far and teams end up managing by consensus. This in turn leads to average solutions and fake agreement. The great idea that could really make a difference gets drowned out because over time, people get exhausted trying to campaign for their idea.

Suddenly, entire teams are more worried about not making a bad decision than a good one. Hundreds of emails and documents are created to remove any personal accountability from a tough decision. So much crap is being talked about that everyone forgets that something needs to be done.

The point of meetings and discussions are to drive to an action. The goal can never be the meetings themselves.

Someone has to be accountable to delivery. Someone has to turn that roadmap into reality and make the difficult, even unpopular decision, and be accountable to the end goal. When it’s all said and done, someone’s butt has to be on the line.

The good stuff is in the action. All the great stuff comes when that action meets accountability.

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